Flex Box
the css3 Flexible Box Layout Module, commonly known as flexbox, is a one-dimensional and single directional layout. Flexbox is a one dimensional bacause it can only deal with layout in one dimension at a time- either as a row or a column. However, it still make designing flexible responsive layout structure easier, without using float,clear and positioning.
Using Flexbox
To use flexbox we need a flex container and flex items or contents. the flex container need a display: flex declaration.
display: flex ;
background : blue
.container div{
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
<div class= "container">
CSS3 Flex Direction
After setting the display property to flex of the container, now we need to specify the direction of the main axis. the flex-direction CSS prperty defines the main axis. Valid Value:
- row ,row-reverse- the main axis and flex items run along from left to right and from right to left
- column,column-reverse: the main axis and flex items run along form top to bottom and from bottom to top.
display: flex;
flex-direction: row
CSS3 FlexBox Justify Content
the justify-content property sets how space is distributed between and around flex items. valid values:
- flex-start: default; packs flex items drom the start
- flex-end: packs flex item to end
- center:packs flex items around the center
- space-between:distributes flex items evenly with first item on start and last item at end line
- space-around:distributes flex items evenly with equal space around them
- space-evenly: distributes flex items and makes spacing between two items equal.
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
CSS3 Flexbox Align items
the align-items property sets how flex items are laid out along the cross axis(runs perpendicular to the main axis). Valid values:
- flex-start: align items to the start of cross axis
- flex-end: align flex item to end of cross axis
- center: packs flex itemst o the center of cross axis
- stretch: default; stretches items to fill the container
- baseline: align items such as their baselines are aligned
display: flex;
align-items: center
CSS3 Flex Grow
the flex-grow property sets the ability of a flex item to grow if necessary. This take a positive number value.
For instance, if a flex item flex-grow is set to 1 and other is set to 2. the one with value 2 will grow twice as much as other.
<div class="container">
<div style="flex-grow: 1">1</div>
<div style="flex-grow: 2">2</div>
<div style="flex-grow: 1">3</div>
Properties that control alignment
The properties we will look at in this guide are as follows.
- justify-content — controls alignment of all items on the main axis.
- align-items — controls alignment of all items on the cross axis.
- align-self — controls alignment of an individual flex item on the cross axis.
- align-content — described in the spec as for “packing flex lines”; controls - space between flex lines on the cross axis.
you can center a flex item by setting align-items: center and justify-content: center.
Remaining properties of Flexbox will be covered in next blog on Flexbox: Advanced Properties.